717-351-6300 124 King Court | New Holland, PA 17557
717-351-6300 124 King Court | New Holland, PA 17557

Luxury Custom Interior and Exterior Doors from the Heart of Pennsylvania

When guests walk into a home or business, the door they enter through is their first impression of the space. At Seven Trees Woodworking, we craft custom doors that give any property a feeling of quality and distinction. Whether you’re a homeowner planning a renovation, a business designing its ideal workspace, or a contractor, builder or designer in search of a quality custom door for your next project, we work with our customers to bring beautifully designed doors to life.

Custom interior door in Pennsylvania

Reflect the style of your home or business with custom interior passage doors that feature old world craftsmanship.
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Beautiful dark wood exterior door from Seven Trees in Lancaster, PA

Your entry is is the anchor that bridges exterior and interior designs, and welcomes guests into your home or business.
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We deliver and install doors throughout the Mid Atlantic region, and we ship our custom doors nationwide for installation by your contractor. Explore our custom door design/build services by clicking the links above, and contact us today to learn more and get started. 

Have a project in mind? Contact our expert team today!

Improving the way you live & work with smart millwork solutions.